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St. Boniface – Rising Strong for Haiti

Filed in Uncategorized — October 9, 2016

In our blog we’ve pulled back the veil on our approach and methodologies through  largely ‘plug and play’ resources and Masterclasses so you can skillfully engage the funding partners your mission deserves.

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The devastation in Haiti is harrowing.  Hurricane Matthew has destroyed up to 80% of homes in the south of Haiti and has only compounded the devastation of the earthquake that hit Haiti in 2010.  The death toll has reached nearly 900 with hundreds of thousands more Haitians displaced or made homeless by the storm’s devastation.

Image courtesy of St. Boniface Haiti Foundation (Facebook)

Image courtesy of St. Boniface Haiti Foundation (Facebook)

Stand With Us Now for Haiti.  Consider a transformational gift to help Haiti recover – transformational for Haiti, but also transformational for you as a vital change agent in this hour of dire need.  

We urge you to support the St. Boniface Haiti Foundation.  SBHF’s rapid response teams are on the ground treating the injured and sick, and are preparing for the threat of disease and food, water, and shelter shortages.  Learn more about St. Boniface and help the region recover by donating here.

For real-time updates of the situation on the ground in Haiti, visit St. Boniface Haiti Foundation on Facebook and Twitter, and learn more about their 30 year track record here. 

In the aftermath of the tragedy with outside aid organizations rushing in, your tax-deductible gift with St. Boniface will be invested wisely and powerfully.   Please note their gold-standard 4-star rating on Charity Navigator. 

Take less than 2 minutes your day now and click here to Stand With Haiti.

Natalie Lynn Rekstad & The Black Fox Global Team

P.S. Our team sends our prayers and support to those affected by the tragedy in Haiti, and those working tirelessly to provide support and refuge to those affected.  Please join us today.